Foundational skills for Grade 5 Math

A curly-haired girl student is taking online math lesson using a Laptop displaying the Educo Learning Center Geometry Course

In grade 5, students continue to build upon the math skills they learned in previous grades, while also being introduced to more advanced concepts. Here are some of the foundational Common Core math skills that students in grade 5 are expected to master:

  1. Use the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems involving decimals and fractions.
  2. Understand and use the concept of a unit rate.
  3. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic with decimals.
  4. Understand and use the order of operations to evaluate expressions.
  5. Represent and interpret data using histograms, box plots, and scatter plots.
  6. Convert among different units within a given measurement system (e.g., km to m).
  7. Understand and use concepts of volume and find the volume of rectangular prisms.
  8. Understand and use the coordinate plane to represent and analyze geometric shapes.
  9. Understand the concept of translation, reflection, and rotation.
  10. Understand and use the concepts of prime and composite numbers, and find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two or more numbers.

These foundational math skills are important for building a strong mathematical foundation and preparing students for the more complex math concepts they will encounter in later grades

ELC provides detailed “I Can Do” statements and infographics for 5th grade, a valuable resource for parents, students, and teachers.  5th grade infographics are aligned with Common Core State Standards and help parents and teachers understand what students should know and be able to do at 5th grade. 

To view the grade 5 “I Can Do” statements, please click here or to download in pdf format, click on download

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